Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Some 5 month pictures

Before church a week ago

I just wanted an excuse to show off some pictures. I don't have any plain white onesies so I had to use a 12 mo shirt, she is so tiny!

This week we are going to get pics taken with the Easter Bunny and maybe some professional pictures next week as a family.

Over the weekend we went to Johns Hopkins Spring Fair and Josie really enjoyed people watching and hanging out. She looked adorable in her bucket hat and sunglasses, I wish I had gotten a picture of it.

On Thursday we are going to Sherwood Gardens to get pictures of Josie with the gorgeous Tulips that are in bloom. It will be an awesome day and we are going to take a picnic lunch with us. Definitely going to post all the pictures here!

The movie "Big" is on TV and it's the scene at FAO Schwartz and the piano. Joe and I cannot wait to take her to NYC during Christmastime and do all the fun things like the Macy's santa and ice skating. It's so exciting to think of all the fun stuff we can do in the future.

That's what it's all about.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy 5 Months beautiful girl!


Yesterday, you were 5 months old. All day long I was thinking about how, in all the days leading up to you being here I never though it would be this amazing. I never knew how the love of a mother was so totally different than anything else I ever felt. Daddy kept asking me all day "What were we doing right now 5 months ago?". Each response got me more and more choked up. I laid in bed and nursed you and told you how lucky I was to be your Mama. I am. I hope that you always know how loved you are. I hope you feel like we gave you enough kisses, hugs and hand holding. I hope you never want for love from us.

Let's get on to some stats:

You're about 26 inches long
Close to 13 1/2 lbs
In 3-6 month clothes and will be for awhile

  • You can roll both ways and are so funny when you do. You make a face that says "ta-da!" and Daddy and I laugh. It's still strange to leave you on your back and come back in the room to you on your belly.
  • You are pushing up on your arms and any day you are going to take off crawling.
  • You like to give me kisses, which means I put my face to yours and you lick me!
  • You laugh when I kiss you hard and loud. It makes me smile so much.
  • You are trying to wave! This is a brand new thing and it is so sweet to see your little hand jerk up, but you just can't wave it yet.
  • You love the cat Maggie and try and reach for her whenever she is close to you.
  • No food yet, but you like to chew on celery and apples. Our attempts at oatmeal were unsuccesful.
  • You absolutely love your Jumperoo and would spend hours in there if I let you.
  • Our constant games of 'Where's the Baby?" never get old to you.
  • You love to sit on Daddy while he lies on the couch and watches TV.
  • Every Saturday morning you and Daddy go and watch the music video countdown while Mama sleeps. Daddy says you dance and rock out.
  • You love to talk and coo at Mama and especially Aunt NiNi. You talk the most in the morning.
  • You love to go on walks with Mama while she wears you. I think you like to be held close and tight.
You are the most beautiful thing I've ever known. I love you so much baby Josephine.

That's what it's all about!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sleepless Nights and slings

It's no secret that I am a terrible insomniac. I've taken countless prescriptions for sleep over the years. Amazingly, when I got pregnant I could fall asleep in an instant, anytime, anywhere. Now that the hormones are leaving my body, my insomnia is back in full force.

Insomnia is a contributor to 60% of shopping addictions. I just made that up.

I love online shopping, it gives me exposure to things I would have never known about. My newest addiction is baby carriers. I have 6 carriers right now. I am in the market for two more. I'd like to carry Josie around for the majority of the summer without her being in her hot car seat and snap n go. Right now I'm between a linen sling and a Bali Breeze wrap. Joe is tired of hearing me discuss the pros and cons and there are too many to list. He doesn't really understand why I want to baby wear. He isn't a mother. There is nothing I love more than having Josie snuggled up next to me and know that she's safe. I know in a stroller I can see her, interact, etc. But, I think she enjoys being worn and walking around. I talk to her and she usually gets lulled to sleep by jiggling around. I also find it extremely practical in an urban environment. All that matters is that we love it!

I'm almost positive I'm going to get a ring sling, now just to design it! I am terrible indecisive, it's one of my worst qualities.

Josie and I went to the Tot Swap sale on Friday and scored some good deals. We needed a high chair/shopping cart cover and of course we picked up a few outfits and toys. I got her an Elmo remote and she seemed to like chewing on it. I wish I had bought more from these sales but it was really hard to plan ahead for the newborn stage. You never know how long they will be in certain sizes or what gear you might actually want to use. I think it will be much easier the bigger she gets to predict sizes for next season and to know what kinds of toys she'll enjoy. I generally prefer buying used. I think it's a shame so many people buy new, it's kind of a waste to me. I'm also notoriously cheap so second hand is perfect for scoring great deals.

We may go check out the 50% off sale tomorrow. I wouldn't mind getting some super cheap outfits and maybe a few more toys.

It's a shame the weekends go by so quickly, I love hanging out as a complete family. It's also wonderful to see Joe interact with Josie. They have so much fun together.

We have some nice weather coming this week, hopefully Josie and I can go on some adventures that I can share.

That's what it's all about!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Even SAHM's can have a case of the Monday's

What a day!

Definitely a Monday in our house. We somehow went through 4 outfits today. What a mess. Josie rolling over has turned into lots of laundry issues, especially during diaper free time.

Before 3 PM we had changed 3 times, taken 2 impromptu baths and I was on my 3rd shirt!

To make it up to me Josie gave me her first real laugh today. She has been doing little "heh"s here and there when she smiles but I was kissing her all over her face today and she let out a few "ha ha"s. I was stunned. When Daddy came home I started kissing on her again and she laughed! It is the sweetest thing.

I'm still getting used to lying her down on her back and coming back into the room and finding her on her belly. She has realized that on her belly she can watch TV. Uh oh.

The weather was gorgeous today and we took a nice half an hour walk. I wish we could get out and do that every day. It would help with my weight loss and get us out of the house. I am tired of walking the mall.

Hopefully the weather will cooperate and Joe and I can take Josie out this weekend. If we do, I'll be sure to write about it.

That's what it's all about!

Chicken Souvlaki

This is definitely my favorite weeknight meal. I figured I'd post in my blog as a reference for my non-existant readers:

Chicken breasts or tenders
Kraft Greek Dressing
Small can sliced olives
Red onions
Romaine lettuce
Feta cheese

Marinate chicken breasts in red wine vinegar, olive oil, greek dressing, garlic powder, onion powder and a dash of lemon juice.
Cook chicken (bake, sauté or grill)
Mix together shredded lettuce, olives, sliced onion and feta. Coat with Greek dressing. Mix in chicken and serve in pitas.
We also make homemade tzatziki (tat zee key) sauce to coat the chicken with. Here's a very similar recipe to what we make. We add fresh mint as well.
Sometimes we make a box of rice as a side, usually the Far East long grain brand.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekends are fun

Josie loves the weekend. Mostly because she's tired of Mom and wants to play with Dad. Mom loves weekends because on Saturday Dad gets Josie when she wakes up around 9 and cooks us breakfast. Mom gets to sleep in! Win-Win!

This weekend we visited Pop-pop and Grandma Debbie. Josie showed off her rolling skills and was a total doll. She was really trying to roll back to belly but just couldn't seem to get the hang of it.
When we got her home we sat her on the activity mat because she seemed restless. We turned on a movie and a few minutes later I looked down and that little stinker was on her belly! The one second we weren't looking she rolled over. My little baby is growing up. Once I figure out how to embed video I will have proof.

Today, we went to visit Uncle Donny and Aunt Lisa and Gigi and Papaw were there. Josie loves Aunt Lisa and was just a smiling fool all day. We had a blast just playing with her on the floor and the boys love her too. I decided to try sitting again and lo and behold...

Someone can sit all by themselves! She held this for almost a full minute. We were all totally impressed.

Josie's done a lot of development in just a few short days. She has been really fussy at night and we weren't sure why, now it all makes sense.

If only we could just get those chompers to come through...

Here's another fun picture of Josie playing in the clean laundry. She loves it when I put the warm from the dryer clothes on her. And then she tries to eat the clothes. I love it!

That's what it's all about!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I've been neglectful

You'd think since I'm at the computer most of the day I'd remember to blog. You'd be wrong.

Lots of fun things are going on with Josie and I lately, I'll try to go in chronological order.

I left you last with a mini-vacation with Pop Pop and Grandma Debbie. Josie was a doll the whole time and had a blast in the pool. Here are some pictures:
My little fishy in the pool

Photo op with Daddy on the beach

We decided Josie needed some exercise and got her a jumperoo. She cries when I take her out of it. One day she's going to jump through the ceiling.

And on March 16th she turned Four Months. I cannot believe it's been so long since we brought her home.

At her 4 month appointment she was 24 1/2 inches and 13 lbs 5 oz.

We are working on helping her sit and vocalizing. She does not stop talking in the morning and before bed. Her favorite sounds are "ah-goo" "oooh" and "gah gah". It is so fun to encourage her to talk. I read once that you aren't supposed to talk to them in "baby language" but she stops talking once I speak real words to her. I talk to her all day long so I don't think it will hurt her.

We have also been working on teaching her signs for words we use often. So far it's "Up", "Milk" and "mama". She is starting to lift her arms when we say and sign up. She doesn't seem to care about the others. There are a lot more signs I should be teaching her but I have trouble remembering them myself, even though they are so simple.

We are definitely in the midst of teething, it feels like it's been over a month. She is constantly attacking any soft toy we give her and loves to gnaw on fingers. Her ability to grip teething toys and small things is really developing well. It's been amazing to see her able to grasp smaller and smaller items each day.

That's what it's all about!